Why it's Superior?
Dushi’s effectiveness and superiority are based solidly on science.
Let’s consider the three major problems you’ll encounter if you use ordinary hair loss products on the market. We will show you how Dushi turns their problems into benefits for you.
Problem One: Fragile Coverage
If you’ve used any of regular hair thickening products on the mass market, you’ve experienced this problem: Go outside in the wind, get caught in the rain, or just lay your head down on a couch or pillow. What happens? That pesky, shiny bald spot is showing again.
That’s because many of the products fell out. They just couldn’t hold up.
The root cause of all this trouble is quite simple: the natural bonding force between their products and your hair is very weak.

How Dushi Solves the Problem at Its Root
Did you know that ordinary hair thickening products are made mostly from wool (sheep’s hair, marketed as “keratin fibre”)? Offhand, wool might seem like a logical choice. After all, wool IS hair.
And it is readily available everywhere.
But here’s the problem: in one respect, wool is TOO similar to human hair.
Have you ever pulled a wool sweater off of your head in the middle of winter and found your hair standing straight up and unruly like Einstein? Then you know the laws of attraction and repulsion: like charges repel and opposite charges attract.
Both wool and human hair carry positive electrical charges,
therefore they repel each other, and that’s the root cause of problem.
But ordinary hair thickening products choose to ignore that bit of basic science for the sake of convenience and cost-saving. So they use wool, which human hair – simply obeying the laws of physics – tries to repel, therefore the product falls off easily.
We think it’s a lot smarter to work with science.
We use the laws of physics to your advantage by using a raw material called Moroccan Gossypium Herbaceum. The fiber extracted from this plant, which is almost identical to your hair, carries a negative charge, so – again, simply obeying the laws of physics – it wants to bond to your hair (positively charged).
The result is a 200% stronger bond than with wool fibre.

Problem Two: A Dull, Lifeless Look
There are two basic approaches to eliminating bald spots or appearance of hair loss:
1. Thickening your existing hair to amplify your hair volume, making the scalp invisible.
2. Coloring the exposed scalp to match your hair color. This technique does hide the scalp in thinning areas, but does not increase hair volume.
Experienced theatrical and Hollywood makeup artists will tell you that the first approach, thickening existing hair, gives the most natural appearance. The second approach hides the scalp, obviously, but produces a dull, unnatural look.
The weak electrical bonding between wool fibres and human hair that we described just above? Well, that causes a secondary problem.
Since the wool fibres tend to be electrically repelled by human hair, most of the products will fall down onto the scalp when being applied instead of clinging to existing hair as intended. So if you use ordinary hair thickening products, instead of thickening your hair, much of what you apply will in effect be doing no more than coloring your scalp (the second approach mentioned above).
Think that essentially spray-painting your scalp will give you a lustrous, natural appearance? Of course not. Your hair will look dull and lifeless.
But since Dushi bonds to your hair securely, working with science instead of against it, Dushi will thicken your hair shafts and amplify your hair volume. That will give you a fuller, natural looking head of hair, not a spray-painted scalp.
Problem Three: Discomfort
Ordinary products for hair loss on the mass market are loaded with synthetic chemicals: dyes, artificial preservatives, and fillers. And as we’ve noted, they use animal furs like wool as the source of their fibres.
All of those lab-concocted chemicals may be cheap to produce. But as discussed above, they don’t work terribly well. And even worse, they may cause you even greater discomfort than just the disappointment you’ll feel when you look in the mirror.
Many users of these products report problems with itching and with rashes.
In contrast, Dushi uses completely natural ingredients: plant based fibres and natural mineral colorants.
An In-Depth Look at the Science Behind Dushi’s Breakthrough Formula
As you know, materials attract or repel each other via electrostatic force: opposite charges attract and like charges repel.
To measure the strength of attraction among different materials, scientists rank them based upon the degree of each material’s positive or negative charge. This ranking is called the Triboelectric Series, as shown on the right.
The greater the distance between their relative positions, the stronger the bonding force between any two materials.
As you can see, human hair and wool are very close together on the positive portion of the scale. With both of them positively charged, they are more likely to repel than attract each other. That’s why wool-based hair building products do not bond well to hair.
And that’s why Dushi uses fibres derived from Moroccan Gossypium Herbaceum, a plant that only grows in arid regions of Morocco.
Look again at the Triboelectric Series, and notice the distance on the scale between Moroccan Gossypium Herbaceum fiber and human hair. Notice also that the Gossypium Herbaceum is negatively charged, and that human hair is positively charged.
That explains why the electrostatic bonding force between Dushi fibres and human hair is 200% stronger than between wool-based fiber and human hair.
Because of Dushi’s electro-bond advantage, Dushi will remain bonded with your hair better with less fall out. And because of that naturally strong bond, the Dushi fibres adhere in greater numbers to your hair shafts, thickening them and making your hair look much fuller, more natural and lustrous.
The following table provides a nice summation of all the advantages Dushi holds over ordinary products:

DUSHI | Regular Hair Thickening Products | |
Natural Look | YES. Perfect natural look | NO. Less natural look (coloring scalp). |
Adherence to Hair | YES. Strong bonding between fibers and hair. | NO. Weak bonding between fibers and hair. |
Free of Animal Contents | YES. Zero animal content. | NO. Main material derived from animal furs. |
Free of Synthetic Dyes | YES. Coloring agents are natural mineral-based colorants. | NO. Animal furs are processed with chemical bleaches and synthetic dyes. |
Hypoallergenic | YES. Plant based natural materials | NO. Animal furs may cause itchiness or other adverse reactions. |
Comfort | YES. Natural fibers stay on hair shafts, not on scalp. | NO. Animal furs-based fibers stay on scalp instead of hair. |
Durability | YES. Withstand better to wind, rain and sweat due to strong bonding force between fibers and hair. | NO. Less durable, due to weak bonding force between fibers and hair. |
Natural Product | YES. 100% natural. The fiber is made from plant and the pigments are mineral colorants. | NO. Contain synthetic dyes and preservatives. |